How Can i access my POS Account on CatchFood?
This steps help logging in to your pos account.
- From a browser, go to and select Restaurants Owner, or go directly to This Page
- Enter the email address associated with your CatchFood POS account:
- If you’re the business owner, this is the email address used to sign up for account
- If you’re an employee of a CatchFood merchant, this is the email address entered for you by your store manager or owner.
- If you don’t login right away, the email you entered doesn’t match the email in our system. Try again to make sure you typed the email and password correctly.
- For your security, we will ask you for your Merchant ID

If you are unable to log in to your account after following the previous steps, please talk to a customer service representative. or submit Open a Ticket and we will contact you back as soon as possible.