How to Use Promos & Discount on CatchFood?
Promo codes and discount are one-time or multiple time use from CatchFood Merchants that provide either free delivery or a dollar amount off the subtotal of your order, prior to tax and service fees.
- Please follow the guidance provided by your Merchant store
Types of Promos
- e.g. “Enjoy Free Delivery from Restaurant” or “Enjoy Free Delivery from local restaurants”
- e.g. “Enjoy $5 off your order of $30 or more; Use Code: ENJOY5”
- e.g. “Order Large Pizza and get $3 off; Use Code: PIZAA3”
General Guidelines
- Promo codes are case sensitive
- Each code can only be used once per account
- Only (1) code can be used per order
Note: Please note that you cannot redeem Gift Card codes as Promo Codes. For gift cards, please redeem using the ‘Redeem Your Gift Card’ field if avalible by merchant options.
How to Use Promos:

Once the conditions of the promotion are met, the code should apply automatically on the final page of checkout. You can also view available promos for your order by clicking onto ‘Promo codes, rewards & gift cards’ from the Checkout page, and entering or selecting a code that applies.